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Inna Huttunen's Blog

About Inna
Inna is a dreamer, doer, and adventurer, as well as an experienced designer, producer, and an MA in arts management. She co-leads Recover Laboratory, an art company specialising in multidisciplinary, experiential projects based on human contact. Their artworks can be immersive, huge labyrinths under the ground, multidisciplinary stage performances, or surreal worlds and fleeting moments created to fit any space or event. They are currently working on launching a new stage-laboratory in Helsinki.
Host organisation: Institut for X - Denmark
An interview with Inna by Inna at Institut for X
This Inna Huttunen from Finland, staying at Aarhus, Denmark - at a wonderland called Institut for X! I arrived four days ago, and been chatting a lot with myself and my journal in quarantine, so let me welcome you to an interview between me and me:
Thoughts about burnouts
​I’m writing this because I am tired of burnouts. There are a million reasons leading to it, some that are personal, some that come from the nature of our sector, some from generational issues and so on. I am writing this because I believe we can shift the culture, a little by little.
Thoughts about burnouts Part 2: Hot tips from hell
In my previous post, I spoke about burnouts and slippery slope that might take us there. I’m continuing here those thoughts with some tips and tricks that might help. Consider them all in your individual context, and listen to your mind and body, when deciding to apply them!