We are pleased to announce that the report for the NHLP-EU project is now published and ready to read!
The report contains reflections, lessons, feedback we received during the programme, from participants, collaborators and partners, and from the partner organisations.
At the end of the project, we feel that the model we set out has a role to play across the arts and culture sector. In many artistic sectors leaders emerge without structural or institutional support from the workforce of artists and producers. These leaders very often lack the kind of management or leadership training that is common in the corporate, charitable or governmental sectors. This puts the arts at a disadvantage when it comes to utilising and retaining its leaders.
We believe that versions of this project could be run across many different cultural sectors to the great benefit of everyone involved. We can be part of creating the support structures that will enable future leaders to fulfil their potential. In turn helping them deliver on the transformative potential of culture.
Read and download the full report here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1biHmQFhdTHapTwnKIJb3tHyfWZP0J4wO/view

This project was led by partner organisations @rigas_cirks @dynamo_workspace and @cirkussyd and it is co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.